Letter from General George Washington to Major Benjamin Tallmadge
Letter: 13 x 8 in. (33 x 20.3 cm)
The letter reads:
Head Quarters Bergen County 11th July 1780
Dear Sir,
As we may every moment expect the arrival of the French Fleet, a renewal of this correspondence with the Culpers will be of very great importance. If the younger cannot be engaged again, you will endeavor to prevail upon the elder to give you information of the movements and position of the enemy upon Long Island -- as, whether they are all confined to the post at Brooklyn, or whether they have any detached posts, and where, and what is their strength at those posts in short desire him to inform you of whatever comes under his notice and which seems worthy of communication. You will transmit your letters to General Howe, who will forward them to me.
I am Dear Sir
Yr most obt Servt,
George Washington
P.S. desire him to attend
particularly to the provision
which they are making of
Wood and Forage and whether
they have any stock within their lines.
Major Tallmadge